Monday, July 16, 2012

Ambassador of Palestine & the song "Hiduplah Dalam Damai"

8 May 2012, I met Mr. Fariz N. Mehdawi, Palestinian Ambassador for Indonesia, and we have a very good time sharing about peace... The situation in Indonesia, also in Palestine, and worldwide..

Mr. Fariz is a very nice person who loves peace. When he listened to my song: Hiduplah Dalam Damai, his heart was moved and he gave me a very big support by giving me so many advices, for me to spread the message of peace through music.

After listen to my song "Hiduplah Dalam Damai" he wrote for me a support letter about: SINGING FOR PEACE" and I am very grateful to have Mr. Ambassador supporting me like this; encourage me to finish this mission of peace in the right way.